Thursday, June 30, 2016

HobbyKing Quanum Vandal Monster/H.King Desert Fox Conversion Or How To Widen Your Buggy


The Vandal is one of my favourite cars (well, I don't have too many and most of them are cheap - To name them: Quanum Vandal, Trooper SCT, FS-Racing Monster Truck,  Tamiya CC-01 Pajero, Vaterra Ascender Blazer KIT, and also had a H.King Rattler, now sold). I really love the way it is built and the quality of the plastic. The hardware (all-around great quality hex screws), the upgrades that are available, the speed, durability, all that makes it my favourite.

I've written in the past about the durability issues of this car, but with some simple (but expensive) upgrades, this is now history. Just to name a few upgrades:

I use stock shocks (no leak, smooth operation), stock plastic spur (never changed, the original is still perfect), stock pinion, a 3300 KV eBay brushless motor, Hobbyking 120A ESC. This car is super fast, stable, jumps great... The sway bars perform so well. The only noticeable problem with parts are ball joints, they bind badly, but you can easily use joints from other brands.