Tuesday, August 4, 2015

HobbyKing Quanum Vandal (also sold as: FTX Vantage, INTEGY i10B, VRX/RiverHobby Spirit, Arrowind - truggy) Review


This truck had been covered by so many reviewers that is hard for me to say something new. Still, one more perspective cannot hurt, right?

I bought the kit version from HobbyKing so that is the one I will write about.

The packaging was nice and intact and arrived to my door (in Romania that is) from Holland for just about $15. Not much, considering local delivery (same city) is about $5. I was surprised to find that all the screws were perfectly tightened (I could have not done a better job myself) and all the parts were there. Other guys on forums complained about screws, but for me was perfect. The diffs seemed well shimmed, so the first impression was great.